Auditory Processing Disorders

Let’s investigate if your child has an Auditory Processing Disorder, and see how we can help.

Auditory processing is a term used to describe what our brain does with what it hears. An Auditory processing disorder is a problem with recognising and interpreting what we hear and thus being able to act on it in an appropriate manner.


Do this quick evaluation to see if your child may have an Auditory Processing Disorder

Does your child seem distracted or lacking concentration?

Does your child have difficulty hearing in a noisy environment?

Does it appear as if your child can't hear at times?

Does your child have difficulty following instructions?

Does your child have difficulty with reading and writing?

Does your child seem to have difficulty recognising subtle differences in sounds in words?

Does it seem as if your child doesn't listen properly?

A multidisciplinary team approach is critical to fully assess and understand the cluster of problems exhibited by children with APD. Yet it is important to know that, however valuable the information from the multidisciplinary team is in understanding the child's overall areas of strength and weakness, none of the test tools used by these professionals are diagnostic tools for APD, and the actual diagnosis of APD must be made by an audiologist.