Balance Assessments

Lauren Thompson is the expert in investigating, diagnosing and treating your balance disorder.

VNG testing is considered the new standard for testing inner ear functions, and it is a series of tests designed to document a person’s ability to follow visual objects with their eyes and how well the eyes respond to information from the vestibular system. 

VNG testing is used to determine if a vestibular (inner ear) disease may be causing a balance or dizziness problem, and is one of the only tests available today that can decipher between a unilateral (one ear) and bilateral (both ears) vestibular loss. Appointments usually last about 1.5 hours. 

Lauren has a very close relationship with referring Ear, Nose and Throat surgeons, Neurologists and Physicians, as well as Biokineticists and Physiotherapists, and is additionally trained to offer vestibular rehabilitation should she feel that this method of treatment for your balance dysfunction is required and appropriate.

“Thompson and Hoffman Audiology are not only our audiologists but our family! Thank you Lauren for all that you do for us!”

— Marion and Jean Webber